Have you heard the expression "curiosity killed the cat"? Cats are inherently curious, and if you left them alone, they will always end up in an amusing situation as a result of their adventures.
Their curiosity manifests itself in a variety of ways, from squeezing themselves into the tiniest of spaces to observing our every move—including our business in the bathroom. You'll be relieved to learn, however, that their following you to the toilet is not just a sign of their curiosity, but also a clear evidence that they adore and are infatuated with you.
From the toilet to the towels, and everything in between, your bathroom smells like you to cats. Not only that, but they enjoy routines as well, so if you go inside the restroom at particular times of the day, they will begin to incorporate it into their own!
Cats appear to have a natural need to monitor everything you do, which would be frightening if it weren't for their adorableness. However, they are cats, and we appreciate them for all they do!
Most people think cats are cold and distant, but these felines know how to make you feel important in their own particular ways, even guarding you in the restroom. There's simply something about that area that makes people feel compelled to accompany you inside and look at you until you've finished your stinking business.
Take a peek at the photographs below for some amusing examples of this concept!
1. "Please allow me to see you poop because I will die if I don't."
2. It's not only cats who want to watch you breathe in the bathroom; dogs do, too!
3. The dreaded paw-under-the-door treatment until you cave in
4. Let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
5.I'm not going to lie, this seems weird from this perspective
6. They're always there to keep you company, even while you're pooping monsters
7. Either the most pleasant or the most uncomfortable poop ever
8. It is their job to keep an eye on you faces, so don't make them suffer
There are 12 ways to show love by cat
1. Purring
Purring is the most evident and popular way cats express their joy and affection. When cats are calm and enjoying something, they appear to have a particular tiny motor inside them that starts. While caressing your cat, you'll frequently notice a rumbling, vibrating sounds. Purrs can also indicate that your cat is distressed, though this is less usual.
2. Rolling
When children throw themselves on the ground and roll about during a tantrum, your cat is expressing their delight at seeing you. Cats may approach you and hurl themselves on the ground before rolling about. This is a sweet welcome that indicates they want your attention, especially if they reveal their stomach.
Bunting occurs when your cat rubs their cheeks on you or an item, forehead-butts you, or rubs their head on you. It's a technique for your cat to indicate his territory by leaving his scent on you. When cats adore something or someone, they do this. They could practice bunting on other creatures or people they like.
4. Catching
Crutching leaves a cat with both smell and visible evidence of ownership. Pay attention to your cat's scratching patterns. The most significant aspects of a cat's life are frequently linked to the owner.
Kneading habits are associated with kittenhood. To get milk to come out, kitten paws knead on the mother cat's breasts. When adult cats are comfortable, pleased, and loved, they maintain this behavior. When they're being petted on their owner's lap, they frequently do so. Consider kneading as a unique kind of affection.
6. Prey Hunting and Gifting
Despite their cuteness, acts are still little predators with hunting instincts. Cats capture anything from toys to mice and share their catch with those they care about. Cats who bring you a prize are deserving of appreciation. If they didn't love you, they wouldn't provide these particular presents.
7. Playing
Kittens play for the sheer fun of it, and their favorite playmate is usually a trusted and loved partner. Some cats may try to dominate the encounter by moving just out of reach, forcing you to approach them and play with them.
8. Sleeping
Cats may sleep for up to 16 hours every day. Because cats are most vulnerable while resting, your cat's preferred sleeping spot must be safe and secure. A cat choosing your lap as their preferred sleeping location is the ultimate loving compliment.
9.Love Eye
The eyes of a kitten are disproportionately large. As a result, cat eyes are vital survival advantages, but they are also exceedingly fragile. Cats who approach a person with their faces and wide-open eyes exhibit enormous trust and affection. A cat kiss is defined as a gradual "eye blink" from across the room.
10. Tail Position
If you've ever caressed a cat, you've probably seen the "elevator butt" stance, which encourages you to focus on the base of the tail. Cats like having this part of their bodies scratched. Their erect tails are frequently used to express affection. It's a symbol of affection when a cat approaches you with its tail raised straight up and slightly tipped over. A cat rubbing its backside on your face is also displaying affection. Kittens greet their mothers with their tails up in respect, and adult cats do the same with their favorite people.
11. Meowing
Cats seldom meow at each other. Only kittens typically meow to their mothers, while adults grow out of the behavior. These vocalizations are used by your adult cat to communicate with people. Cats, like humans, do not "speak" to people they despise, so remember that your cat is engaging with you out of affection.
12. Licking
Cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves, and nice cats brush each other as well. Cats who groom their favorite persons by licking their skin or hair, or nibbling or sucking on their clothing, show their love. This gives out a recognizable aroma and helps to identify them as a vital member of the family.